Club Contact Information
Email: info@quakerugby.org
Mailing Address
Seattle Quake RFC
1122 East Pike Street #1124
Seattle, WA 98122
Email: coaches@quakerugby.org
Head Coach
Lue Schorzman
Developmental Coaches
Michael Farris
TC Elliot
Assistant Coaches​
​Dani Espinoza-Gonzalez
Jonathan Campbell
Aaron Stanton
Victor Swanson
Board of Directors
The Board meets the second Thursday of each month. If you have any issues or questions you would like discussed at the next board meeting, please send us an email and we’d be happy to add it to our agenda.
President: Julius Schorzman - president@quakerugby.org
Vice President: Sonny Nguyen - vicepresident@quakerugby.org
Secretary: Jermiah Russell - secretary@quakerugby.org
Treasurer: Mathew Ahrens - treasurer@quakerugby.org
Director (Community): Dylan Quiggle - community@quakerugby.org
Director (Sponsorship): Jacob Bailey - sponsorship@quakerugby.org
Director (Membership): Chris Nichols - membership@quakerugby.org
Director (Communications): Alex Robertson - communication@quakerugby.org
Director (Merchandising): Henry Wang - marketing@quakerugby.org
Bingham Cup Chair
Point of contact for all travel and logistics questions involving Bingham Cup.
Co-Chairs: Asher Hill & Chris Nedimyer - bc@quakerugby.org
Check out our latest schedule for our next match or social events.